Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Meghan McCain "Like!"

Meghan McCain, daughter of U.S. Senator John McCain, is my new favorite girl to follow on Twitter.
She is super smart, knows A LOT about politics and isn't afraid to go public with her more liberal views on social matters like same sex marriage and gay adoption. I love that she was involved in this PSA on the dangers of skin cancer. It explains how simply applying sunscreen can protect you from the sun's damaging rays and can help to prevent this disease. I believe the PSA is a success and does what it is intended to, creatively sends out the message that skin cancer is a serious health issue.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blue Valentine, Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams

As a person who appreciates a good Independent film and as a girl who loved the Notebook, I was super excited to see Blue Valentine On Demand the other night. The free preview made the film appear endearing and romantic, just like I remembered when I saw the Trailer in the theatre last year. So I purchased the movie immediately. I have to say as sweet as this movie looked in the preview, it ended up leaving a sour taste in my mouth. Graphic sex scenes and heated, verbally abusive arguments between the characters made me cringe. In no part of the trailer do you see Ryan Gosling's hot mess of character, completely trashed, sporting a receding hair line and wife beater. As much as I appreciated the realistic aspect of the movie and the reputable acting (that's to be expected from Gosling and Williams), I have to say it wasn't at all close to what I thought it would be!

My New Favorite Shoes

I purchased awesome shoes from Nordstroms last month and I wear them everyday! The shoes are called TOMS and if you don't already know, when you buy a pair of TOMS shoes, he gives a pair to a child in need. He calls it, "One for One." I think this a great idea and I finally have a pair of shoes I feel proud to be in.

Canadian Seal Slaughter

A must read article!

Canadian Seal Slaughter: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"

"Many seals who are killed are 3 months old or younger. Many have not yet learned how to swim or eaten their first solid meals."

"Baby seals are helpless and have no way to escape from the sealers' clubs. A Washington Post article on the seal slaughter described it this way: "[A] seal appearing to gasp for air, blood running from its nose as it lies on an ice floe. Not far away, a sealer sharpens his knife blade. The seal seems to be thrashing as its fur is sliced from its torso."

15 Reasons Not to Eat Bacon

(Besides it being totally unhealthy for you, Pigs are super cute and intelligent!)

15 Reasons Not to Eat Bacon: "Have you seen the face of a cute pig? Check out these photos, which may have you reconsidering the bacon on your plate…"